- Schedule
- Block 1 - My Home
- Block 2 - Lapacek's Orchard
- Block 3 - House by the Bay
- Block 4 - My Tilted House
- Block 5 - Two Trees
- Block 6 - Tree of Life
- Block 7 - Under the Moreton Bay Fig
- Block 8 - A Wonky Modern House
- Block 9 - Scrappy Trees
- Block 10 - A Home for the Birds
- Block 11 - The Happy Tree
- Block 12 - the little house
- Block 13 - Three Trees
- Block 14 - Under the Apple Tree
- Block 15 - A Home for Hoot
- Block 16 - Branch Sweet Branch
- BONUS - accuquilt home
- BONUS - Acid Cottage
- BONUS - Marcia's Crazee Patch House
- BONUS Block - Rippling Pond
- Flickr Group - Post your blocks here!
- BONUS - Acid Cottage
FNwF + Slow Stitching Sunday1 month ago
End of blog2 years ago
A Japanese Stash Buster Quilt5 years ago
Quilted Tassel Pouch Tutorial5 years ago
H2H Quilt Challenge 20195 years ago
Shuffling5 years ago
Quiltsy Cares 3/31/195 years ago
Eco-living On A Budget6 years ago
a new day dawns6 years ago
Hand Maker Blog Tour8 years ago
The San Salvador Sails By ...8 years ago
Gift of love8 years ago
New Updates Coming Soon9 years ago
Sweet Jenny Belle9 years ago
Winning Treasury #22010 years ago
Dianabol10 years ago
Dandelions10 years ago
A Quilty Finish12 years ago
A walk in the snow12 years ago
the harvest begins~12 years ago
My Blog Has Moved!12 years ago
Polka Dotted Dress Envy13 years ago
Come visit our new blog!13 years ago
Handmade Christmas Recap 213 years ago
Blech17 years ago
I’m re-branding myself from Kim’s Crafty Apple into ‘Persimon Dreams.’
You can now find me at:
(and my jewelry is still at www.theapple.etsy.com)
Another Treasury!
Thanks to UniquelyNancy from http://www.uniquelynancy.etsy.com/ for including me in your treasury!
Cedi's Birthday & Etsy Teams
I don't know if anyone's been watching my blog (or even reading it for that matter), but in the last few days I have added links to the etsy team blogs that I've joined. Please check them out...by joining these teams I am agreeing to help get the word out for others in the teams and in exchange, they will do the same for me. I feel like this will be win win for me.
WIST Wisconsin Street Team Trunk Show!
When: Saturday, December 13, 2008
Time: 5pm to 9pm
Where: 1358 Williamson st., Madison, Wisconsin (home of Lazy Jane’s Cafe)
Check out this link for more details!
This will be my first time as a vendor at the show! I'm very excited...it looks like lots of fun!
My T-Shirt is On a Treasury!
Allergies? or cold?
I was accepted onto the EtsyBaby Street team yesterday! I'm very excited. You'll have to check out there store http://shopetsybaby.com/ and blog http://etsybaby.blogspot.com/.
I hope everyone else is feeling better!
My Christmas Wish List Treasury
I am drooling over this gorgeous red gold lattice bracelet:
How fun are these rings by keepsakekatie?:
I think my little girl will have to have one of these once she gets a little bigger (from Spiderbite):
If I could figure out an outfit to wear this I would buy it in a flash:
I think this ring is gorgeous and unique:
This bracelet is so beautiful:
I hope you enjoyed my picks for today! Until next time!
Kim's Crafty Apple "Treasury"
Happy Black Friday!
Capri is napping right now so I'm going to list a few new items on my etsy account. I think I'll just have some new onesies...but maybe a new fiber bracelet as well...I have to see if the pictures are any good.
I have a busy, busy day planned. I have to get my house cleaned up and make a bunch of food. Tomorrow is Cedi's birthday (can you believe she's going to be 2!) and we're having a "Dip It" party for her. She loves to dip things so I'm making lots of dippable items for everyone to enjoy. My friend Kaitra is coming later today to help me get everything ready.
I hope you all had a wonderful Turkey Day yesterday!
New Upcycled Fabric Bangles!
Also, make sure you have a Happy and Wonderful Thanksgiving!
Capri Grace Lapacek
From Christmas Card Possibilities |
Capri Grace Lapacek, was born on February 24th, 2008...her due date. My sister-in-law called me around 1:00pm that day and wished me happy due date...I told her to shut up, she was never coming out. We called my in-laws around 4:00 to come and pick up Cedi. Capri was born at 8:16. This time I got the drugs and it was wonderful (although I didn't get them until I was 9cm...it was still great!).
Capri is my happy baby. As soon as she figured out how to smile that was all she did. You would just look at her and she would have a huge grin from ear to ear...enough to make your heart just melt. She's a little less laid back than Cedi but really nothing I can complain about it. Capri is just starting to stand on her own and I'm expecting to see her take her first step any day now.
I am really blessed with amazing children. I had always wanted boys, knew I would get girls because I deserved them, and now that I have two girls I wouldn't want it any other way.
Mercedi Rose Lapacek
From Christmas Card Possibilities |
Mercedi Rose Lapacek
Cedi was born on 11/29/06 (I know! She's going to be two on Saturday!) after a short four and a half hour induced labor. She was born naturally (which I don't recommend) because once she started to come there was no stopping her. She was tiny but long (6 lbs 13 oz, 20-inch) and still has the same figure. Cedi was and still is very independent. When we would try to hold her she would scream until we laid her down. We soon figured out she would rather just be on her own. My only complaint would be that I didn't get to cuddle her very much before she was 1...I think I had one day of cuddling and that's because she had a fever.
Cedi is still a very good kid. She is going through a phase of fits if she doesn't get what she wants but we're trying to either ignore it or do the time out thing. It seems to be working, but it definately is hard at times.
Cedi is talking A LOT! When I asked her what she wanted for her birthday, her response was, "BOOBIES!" I couldn't stop laughing and I still haven't figured out how to give that to her.
I'm sure you'll hear much more about her in upcoming posts...
Apple Pie Wednesday
We had a wonderful time at the Melting Pot last night with our friends Nick and Emily. The food was amazing as usual and it's such a nice environment for really catching up. And of course, it was wonderful to have a coupon for half off our meals and drinks!
My goals for today including posting five new items on etsy, start cleaning the house (I have everyone coming over on Saturday for Cedi's birthday...she's going to be 2!), bring things to the Capri Gallery and Little Blessings to see if there intersted in selling any of it, grocery shopping, and baking an apple pie. Wow, that list got longer as I was typing it...hmmm...
I made a sale yesterday! I sold my "Hungry, Hungry Hippo Onesie" (as shown in the picture)...I was quite excited!
Well, Capri is not really enjoying her playpen anymore down here...I should go! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!
My husband and some friends of ours are going to the Melting Pot for dinner tonight. I'm very excited! I absolutely love fondu!
Monday Monday!
Today, the girls spent the day at a sitter's so I could start getting more things posted on my etsy account and start to reorganize the basement since it was an absolute mess after the craziness of the sale. Here are a few new onesies I posted today:
I would love to hear what you think about them! Check out more of my new things at http://www.kimscraftyapple.etsy.com/!
Quilts by Barb Retreat
I had a really good time at the retreat. It's so nice to be around so many other people that enjoy the same things as I do. It's also great to see the different fabrics and combinations of colors people choose for their quilts. Lots of times is something I would never have done, but looks absolutely incredible.
Barb has another great quilt retreat planned for next fall. For more details check out her website: http://www.quiltsbybarb.com/new2009quiltretreat.htm.
Welcome to my blog - This is my story!
I'm creating this to document my journey as a struggling crafter/artist trying to make it with this crazy economy! We'll see how things go!
I've been making things for as long as I remember. My Grandma still tells the story of the "quilt" I made my brother for his 10th birthday (I was 5)...I sewed together the fabric from my mom's rag box - including the furry toilet seat cover! My brother...being the nice guy that he is, was really nice and told me he just loved it!
I never really stopped making things...I was always saving things and creating random things. Luckily, my parents were very supportive of me. When I was in middle school I cut out all the cool ads from teen magazines and created this crazy collage that coverd my cieling...it drove my mom nuts but she still let me do it :) I had an art teacher in middle school that told my parents at teacher conferences to buy me any supplies I asked for because I would use them...my parents listened. If it weren't for them I would never be making the things I am making today!
I went to college in 2000 for civil engineering. Unfortunately, it was difficult to mix art classes into my curriculum and still graduate in a reasonable time frame. I managed to take one drawing class and a pottery class...but that was about it.
When I met my husband's family I instantly knew that I would get along well with my mother-in-law. She was a crafter too! I found out that she used to teach crafting classes and was an amazing quilter. After I had been dating my husband for a year they let me display my jewelry in their apple store. It was a huge success and has continued to grow for the last five years.
Also, about eight months into my relationship with my husband I decided that I wanted to learn the real way to quilt. We went to my in-laws every Tuesday night for months and I would work on my first 'real' quilting project (I didn't own my own sewing machine at the time) and we would get a free, delicious dinner. I fell in love with quilting and have been making them ever since.
I can go on and on about all the different things I do, but I need to get busy working on things. I'll tell more of my stories later! I hope you enjoy my blog!
To see some examples of my stuff check out my website: http://www.kimscraftyapple.etsy.com/
- Another Treasury!
- Cedi's Birthday & Etsy Teams
- WIST Wisconsin Street Team Trunk Show!
- My T-Shirt is On a Treasury!
- Allergies? or cold?
- My Christmas Wish List Treasury
- Kim's Crafty Apple "Treasury"
- Happy Black Friday!
- New Upcycled Fabric Bangles!
- Capri Grace Lapacek
- Mercedi Rose Lapacek
- Apple Pie Wednesday
- Tuesday!
- Monday Monday!
- Quilts by Barb Retreat
- Welcome to my blog - This is my story!
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