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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Block 14: Home Sweet Home Quilt Along – Under the Apple Tree from Melissa Stramel of Lilac Lane

I’m absolutely LOVING how this quilt is coming together!  It’s everything I imagined it would be and MORE (yes, cliché but true!)  We have ANOTHER block today (and two more next week, a few bonuses, and some more sashing – and finally a beautiful quilt)!  I’m really happy to introduce you to the sweet and talented, Melissa Stramel of Lilac Lane – the designer of today’s block.  

What is your crafting style?
I'm not sure I adhere to just one style. When I see something, I know if it's me. My friends can tell you if it's me. Lots of times my local quilt shop will say, I knew you would love this. In general, it has to be very feminine (I LOVE flowers), pink or red or turquoise, sometimes yellow, vintage feeling, and sometimes scrappy.

How did you get started creating?
Hmm. I remember sewing a little pillow with my mom when I was three.  I still have that pillow. 4-H was a huge influence in my life as well. It exposed me to almost all of the arts, including quilting, photography, baking and canning, counted cross stitch, gardening and painting.

Do you have a favorite piece? Why is it your favorite? 006.JPG
I have a favorite that I can't show. Stay tuned! But my favorite I can show is called the Road to Redemption.  I combined a pattern called the Fruit of the Spirit and one called Praying the Names of Jesus. I love this – it's VERY me!
What is your favorite crafty blog to follow/read?
Oh there's so many, but I never turn down a new post from Jennifer Paganelli.
She has such gorgeous inspiration and her fabric is completely my style.
Which part of the creating process does you like the most? Planning! I can hardly sleep when I think of a new idea. I also love finishing. :)
Which part of the creating process do you dislike the most? As a pattern designer, possibly typing up the pattern. Which I don't hate! It just keeps me away from the sewing machine.
Favorite Adhesive: Does Wonder Under count?
Favorite Movie: The original version of The Parent Trap. You just can't beat Haley Mills.
Beverage of Choice: Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice Tea.
Sweet or Salty? Sweet. My husband says I have four sweet teeth!
Number 1 on your Bucket List: A published book! And it's coming out very soon.

Stay in touch with Melissa by following her online endeavors:
I’m not going to make you wait any longer…here’s the 14th block for our sweet quilt:

Under the Apple Tree


Click HERE to go to Lilac Lane’s website for instructions on how to create the next fabulous block in our quilt!

Don’t forget to add your picture to the flickr group once it’s complete:

Previous Home Sweet Home Blocks:


Sherry said...

This has been the most fun Quilt Along I've ever followed! One of those - can't wait to see if there is a new block posted kind of Quilt Alongs! Thank you so much!

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