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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Front Page! and the Keyword’s from Front Page September 22nd – September 29th

I must start off this post with an apology for my delayed posting.  I typically post these on Tuesday’s but things were crazy this week and I’m finally sitting down to gather all the keywords now.

I think my delay was meant to be though, since earlier today at noon, I just happened to sit down at my in-laws computer (yes, they still have dial-up {scream, pull hair, scream some more}) while I gobbled down my chili and much to my surprise one of my ‘Them Apples' treasuries made the front page!  It was really exciting to see!  Especially since theApple’s Cranberry Crystal Earrings were a part of it.  frontpage-niftyknits

Thanks to niftyknits and strandsofflight for sending me a screen shot!

And now onto my list of keyword’s and inspired by front pages for this past week…hope this is helping some with their tagging…I know it’s helping me!


  • silhouette
  • birch
  • disco
  • harvest x 2
  • romantic x 2
  • plaid
  • burlap
  • modern
  • rustic x 2
  • organic x 2
  • woodland
  • acorn
  • rust
  • plum x 2



  • Etsy Halloween x 5
  • natural history
  • autumn accessories
  • autumn x 2
  • fall colors
  • September’s birthstone Sapphire
  • yoga
  • tea
  • love
  • fall fashion
  • cottage chic
  • a Match Made in Heaven
  • Halloween Geekery
  • Tribal
  • Indie Exclusives
  • an etsy Wedding
  • science
  • vampires and werewolves
  • gardens
  • vintage treasures
  • a handmade autumn
  • custom gift ideas
  • a autumn harvest
  • vampires
  • rich autumn fibers



  • Twitter Picks for Bruce Springsteen’s Birthday
  • Items from the Etsy Dark Team
  • Shop Indie Exclusives x 2
  • Create an Etsy Halloween x 6
  • Create a vintage inspired Halloween
  • Shop by Color Using etsy’s Color Picker
Monday, September 28, 2009


I keep posting about being in the voter…if you’re wondering what the heck I’m talking about please feel free to read the Voter FAQ.

I’ve been lucky to be nominated in a fair number of voters this year. voter1I’m happy to say that my Patchwork Trick or Treat Bag was nominated and chose for this weeks’ ‘Handmade Kids Pick the Best Halloween Item.’voter2 So, please take a moment now and go and VOTE for your favorite!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Across the Nation String Block Quilt

I participated in the Team Quiltsy Block Exchange earlier this year.  Quilters from across the country exchanged string block quilts to create some fabulous creations. 

We each sent out 12 – 12.5” string blocks, they were then mixed up by PamelaQuilts and redistributed amongst the participants.  I laid mine out when I received them in the mail and pondered what to do…it couldn’t be exactly like what everyone else would do…I like to be different. 

First, it felt like was too limited with just the 12 blocks and I really didn’t feel like making more…that would lose the ‘across the nation’ feel of the quilt.  So, I cut them all up into fours.  I now had 48 blocks to work with – much better. 

There are so many different layouts one can chose with the string blocks.  You could create a single diamond, you could just create a wonky diagonal pattern – I went with the double diamond effect.  I created two diamond centers and worked out from there. 

Then for the border…I just love the black with gold patterned fabric I chose for my first border.  It compliments the variety of fabrics and colors that were sent to me in the exchange.  To create a more dramatic border, and to increase the size of the quilt just a tad, I took some random string blocks I had created and cut them down to add even more dimension to the quilt. 

My aunt Barb, from Quilts by Barb did a fabulous meandering quilted pattern all over the quilt.  It was just perfect for this quilt.  With all the colors, fabrics, and designs, anything more complex than this would have just been too much.  She also added a beautiful blue printed fabric for the back of the quilt. 

Now onto the finishing touch!  I first machine sewed a strip of the same black and gold printed fabric from the border onto the edge of the quilt.  I hand-stitched the remainder of the binding on to complete the quilt.  Below is a picture of the end product:010

Across the Nation String Quilt by KimsCraftyApple

Approximate Dimensions:  45” x 57” (great lap quilt)

  • And here are a few more from other team members…I will add more as more complete the challenge so check back!

il_430xN_86247510String Pieced Tablerunner by OriginalsbyLauren 



Saturday, September 26, 2009

Treasury Saturday, September 26th

Happy Saturday!  Looks like it’s going to be a bit overcast and rainy today…I just hope it holds off until my Farmer’s Market is over!  Here are the treasuries I made and have been honored to be featured in this past week…Enjoy!autumsbrilliance-bytheway-092509 Treasury:  Autumn’s Brilliance

Curator: Bytheway

Item Featured:  Fall Leafy Sunrise Bodysuit – 18 Monthsbagsofhonor-ponderosaquilter-092109 Treasury:  Bags of Honor

Curator:  PonderosaQuilter

Item Featured:  Black and White and Red All Over Denim Rag Bag

beautifulflutterfys-quiltedebabe-092109 Treasury:  Beautiful Flutterflys

Curator:  QuiltedBebe

Item Featured:  Rainforest Pillowcase

carmelicious-karolsvintageart-092509 Treasury:  Carmelicious

Curator: karolsvintageart

Item Featured:  Elegant ‘Kiss’ Wristlet 2

letsgetwarmandcozy-zaftigdelights-092709 Treasury:  Lets Get Warm and Cozy

Curator:  ZaftigDelights

Item Featured:  October Glow Tablerunner II

lastbreatheofsapphire-avramicopendants-092509 Treasury:  Last Breathe of Sapphire

Curator:  AvramicoPendants

Item Featured:  Under the Sea Baby Quilt


Treasury:  My Morning Favorites

Curator: lamaworks

Item Featured:  Fun With Fiber ACEO - OOAK

orangeautumn-avramico-092209 Treasury: Orange Autumn

Curator:  Avramico

Item Featured:  Elegant ‘Kiss’ Wristlet 2


Treasury: Them Apples, Volume Sleepy

Curator:  KimsCraftyApple

Special Note:  Made it to the number one hot spot in treasury west!

warmglow-ffflowers-092509 Treasury:  Warm Glow

Curator:  ffflowers

Item Featured:  Tie Dyed Bucket Hat – Size 50 cm Toddler – Purple and Orange

whatscooking-susansheehan-092009 Treasury:  What’s Cooking?

Curator: Susansheehan

Item Featured: Farm Fresh Recipes from Lapacek’s Orchard - cookbook

whenyellowleaves-glorioushats-092109 Treasury:  When Yellow Leaves

Curator:  GloriousHats

Item Featured:  Farm Fresh Recipes from Lapacek’s Orchard - cookbook

whereinspirationtookmevol2-crazydaisiesdesigns-092109 Treasury: Where Inspiration Took Me – Vol 2

Curator:  CrazyDaisiesDesigns

Item Featured:  Hungry Hungry Hippo Bodysuit – Take 2


I hope you enjoyed this weeks edition of Treasury Saturday!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Themed Thursday – Autumnal Equinox

Since we recently finished celebrating the autumnal equinox I felt it appropriate to find some great etsy finds having to do with this beautiful change in seasons.

il_430xN_91906367 Autumnal Equinox – Fine Art Photography by theeye


Equinox Ring - oxidized sterling silver, vintage charm - Custom made to order by twochickstoo


Limited Edition Crow at Dusk Wide Leg WOolies Size Newborn-XXL by thesittingtree

il_430xN_48764154 Autumn Equinox by SusanClarkeOriginals


warm autumn bracelet enameled copper beads with raw brass chain by riverpygmy

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Etsy Front Page Keyword for September September 14th – September 21st

Happy Autumn!

Here you go:  Don’t forget that we have a few new merchandising tips for our shops this month from ETSY that can be found HERE.  (love some feedback if this is helping you out or not…)


etsy Halloween x 3

harvest x 7


feng shui

autumn gold

autumn accessories x 2

pine cone

faux bois x 2






autumn x 4

autumn purples

fall fashion x 2

autumn weddings

shades of sapphire

Etsy’s geekery category

etsy Halloween x 6

vintage wedding



September birthstone sapphire


letters and numbers

fall colors

60’s folk trio x 2

autumn entertaining


Custom Gift Ideas

Halloween geekery

a steampunk Halloween x 2

haunted house

Create an Etsy Halloween x 2


fall organization

forest animals

the sea

autumn accessories

autumn travels


See you next Tuesday for more etsy admin keyword’s and inspirations!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Etsy VOTER & Schlitz Beer!

Yeah! I’m so excited to tell you all that my Schlitz Vintage Beer Can Earrings made this weeks etsy voter – ‘Which Oktoberfest Item Fills Your Stein?’!


Please stop by HERE and give me your support!

Thanks so much :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Treasury Saturday, September 19th

Happy Saturday everyone!  It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day here just north of Madison, WI.  I’m off to the farmer’s market to sell apples!  I hope you enjoy the treasuries from last week!autumnapples-jaykayknits-091309Treasury Name:  Autumn Apples

Curator:  jaykayknits

Item Featured:  Apple Trees and Owls Tote Bags


Treasury Name: Autumn, Season of Calmness

Curator:  mamalitascrafts

Item Featured: Autumn Wonder Quilt


Treasury Name:  Autumn Delight

Curator:  warmnfuzzies

Item Featured:   Autumn Wonder Quilt


Treasury Name:  Thursday Favs

Curator:  MermaidTreasures

Item Featured: Ruby Red Baby Shoe Pincushion - Centipede


Treasury Name: Be Blue

Curator:  cutedesigns

Item Featured: Dinosaur Bones Child Apron - Custom


Treasury Name:  Come Fly With Me

Curator:  QuiltingGranny

Item Featured: Rainforest Pillowcase


Treasury Name:  Earthy Turquoise Copper

Curator:  chandcraftedjewelry

Item Featured: Turquoise Copper Cuff and Log Cabin Orphan Block ‘Kiss’ Wristlet


Treasury Name: For my rustic home

Curator: primsbyandrea

Item Featured:  Autumn Branch Wristlet


Treasury Name: For you

Curator: bahardecoration

Item Featured:   Striped Floral Garden Wristlet


Treasury Name: hot hot hot

Curator:  sewupscale

Item Featured: Natural Beauty Log Cabin Orphan Block Wristlet


Treasury Name: It feels like autumn

Curator:  Gaialai

Item Featured: Flowers of Autumn Quilt


Treasury Name: mwmwmwmwmwmwmwmw

Curator:  GEOmetricSTYLE

Item Featured:  Candy Corn Charm Earrings


Treasury Name: Orange Black

Curator: TeresasPrimTreasures

Item Featured: Animal Print Wristlet


Treasury Name: Snuggle Up Baby

Curator: OriginalsbyLaurenToo

Item Featured: Zany Springtime Bubble Romper


Treasury Name: so so so

Curator:  Lori411

Item Featured:  Swirly Wheat Wristlet


Treasury Name: Them Apples Vol P (for patchwork)

Curator: KimsCraftyApple


Treasury Name: Them Apples volume Caramel

Curator: theApple

Item Featured: A is for Apple Vintage Looking Child Apron - Custom


Treasury Name: Where’s the Pumpkin

Curator: waterrose

Item Featured: Patchwork Trick or Treat Tote Bag


Treasury Name: Don’t Miss the Beach in Autumn

Curator: laceramiste

Item Featured: Autumn Wonder Quilt


Treasury Name: For you

Curator: bahardecoration

Item Featured:  Tie Dyed Bucket Hat – Kids Size


And that concludes treasury Saturday…which one is your favorite?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Themed Thursday – Mittens!

After the last two weeks’ themes being Cowls and Hats, I’m sure it comes to you as a shocker that I chose mittens this week!


These Black and Cream Fingerless Mittens with Dark Brown Vintage Buttons from CoquelicotSalon would be absolutely perfect for sorting apples, working at farmer’s markets or something more likely for the majority…typing in a cold room.


I just love the look and concept of these ArM WaRmErS – Recycled – Woodsy Greens – made from upcycled sweaters from katwise.


coolranchstudio painted this gorgeous original painting – red mitten. It won’t actually keep my hands warm but will definitely warm a room up when it’s hanging on the wall.


These Organic Cotton Arm Sleeves from KreativeMindz looks fabulous and it’s fun to find some mittens that are not knit or crocheted.


Barefootinvermont’s Alpaca Celtic Tree of Life Mittens look just amazingly warm and cozy – and they are gorgeous as well!

What are your favorite mittens for the winter time?

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