Home Sweet Home Quilt Along
- Schedule
- Block 1 - My Home
- Block 2 - Lapacek's Orchard
- Block 3 - House by the Bay
- Block 4 - My Tilted House
- Block 5 - Two Trees
- Block 6 - Tree of Life
- Block 7 - Under the Moreton Bay Fig
- Block 8 - A Wonky Modern House
- Block 9 - Scrappy Trees
- Block 10 - A Home for the Birds
- Block 11 - The Happy Tree
- Block 12 - the little house
- Block 13 - Three Trees
- Block 14 - Under the Apple Tree
- Block 15 - A Home for Hoot
- Block 16 - Branch Sweet Branch
- BONUS - accuquilt home
- BONUS - Acid Cottage
- BONUS - Marcia's Crazee Patch House
- BONUS Block - Rippling Pond
- Flickr Group - Post your blocks here!
- BONUS - Acid Cottage
Feedback & Features
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Kim's Crafty Apple
the Apple
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My Blog List
February Wrap Up1 week ago
FNwF + Slow Stitching Sunday4 weeks ago
End of blog2 years ago
A Japanese Stash Buster Quilt5 years ago
Quilted Tassel Pouch Tutorial5 years ago
H2H Quilt Challenge 20195 years ago
Shuffling5 years ago
Quiltsy Cares 3/31/195 years ago
Eco-living On A Budget6 years ago
a new day dawns6 years ago
Hand Maker Blog Tour8 years ago
The San Salvador Sails By ...8 years ago
Gift of love8 years ago
New Updates Coming Soon9 years ago
Sweet Jenny Belle9 years ago
Winning Treasury #22010 years ago
Dianabol10 years ago
Dandelions10 years ago
A Quilty Finish12 years ago
A walk in the snow12 years ago
the harvest begins~12 years ago
My Blog Has Moved!12 years ago
Polka Dotted Dress Envy12 years ago
Come visit our new blog!12 years ago
Handmade Christmas Recap 213 years ago
Blech17 years ago
Favorite Websites
Kim's Crafty Apple has MOVED to www.PersimonDreams.com
I’m re-branding myself from Kim’s Crafty Apple into ‘Persimon Dreams.’
You can now find me at:
(and my jewelry is still at www.theapple.etsy.com)
I know! I can’t believe it either! My baby girl is one today! In remembrance of that special day I’m going to take a little look back…
February 24th, 2008
I woke up that morning extremely uncomfortable because I was ridiculously pregnant and baby girl was hanging out with her feet jammed under my ribs. Also, today was my due date and baby had not dropped…I was NEVER going to have her. Jared knew I was not in a good mood so he said he would watch Cedi while I went and sewed a bit…sewing relaxed me.
My mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and I had decided to make a quilt for Katrina’s wedding (Barb’s daughter). Karma had just gotten me her blocks the day before and I decided I would try to get my portion done since I knew that once baby did decide to come I wouldn’t have much time for sewing. I ended up finishing my part in the quilt that morning.
I think Karma called me around 1:00 to wish me “Happy Due-Date.” I responded with, “Shut Up, this baby is never coming.” Around 2ish I felt something weird…but wasn’t quite sure what it was (I was induced with Cedi and once I started contracting I pretty much had my baby-so I wasn’t really sure what contractions felt like). Cedi was napping so I told Jared that we should do the bills while she was down.
I decided to take a shower. When I got out I realized that my contractions were really close together. I told Jared he should call his parents…we needed to go to the hospital.
I think we arrived at the hospital around 4 or 4:30. Jared said that the roads were the best they had been all winter. (thank goodness!) I felt like I was in Triage forever before they finally got me my own room. All I wanted was an epidural.
My doctor got to the hospital pretty quickly…it was her first anniversary and I tore her away from their dinner (sorry but thanks!). All I wanted was an epidural. My doctor ordered one for me as soon as she got there but she knew my labor would probably be short. They called to say the epidural would be there in fifteen minutes. I made Jared tell me the time so I could try to keep track. Thirty minutes later and 8 cm I had given up all hope. I even looked at my doctor and said, “This is going to be you in three months!” (she was pregnant too…)
But, miracles upon miracles, the anesthesiologist arrived right then. Stuck an insanely large needle in my back while I was having contractions (I had to sit absolutely still, but it really helped me deal with the pain by having something to focus on). It started to work pretty much right away. I had them put the Oscars on. They told me that a lot of women like to wait and rest before they start pushing. I said, “Let’s just get her out.” Fifteen minutes later (at 8:16pm), my beautiful baby girl, Capri, joined us. She was 8lbs 1oz and 21-inches of absolute perfection!
Happy Birthday my beautiful and sweet baby girl!
Cedi (at 15 mo) meets her baby sis for the first time!
Here are a few things she would have loved to get for her birthday!
River by ImogensGarden a perfect baby doll for my baby doll…
If only Capri had some hair…this would be adorable!
Posh Peacock Wool Felt Hair Clip or Pin Brooch by pammydawn
and of course Capri needs one of these! She does live on an apple orchard!
delicious GREEN APPLE leaf printed onesie by sweet3leafprint
and for my elephant loving little girl…Eli the Elephant from Zadyball! How fun!
And here we both are…exactly ONE year later! Happy Birthday Capri!
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Blog Archive
- Treasury Saturday
- Meet EllaBellaMay!
- Winter Dyeing Adventure
- Cora’s Playground: Etsy Benefit Sale
- etsyBABY Spring Fling Challenge
- Treasury Saturday
- Meet SnooliBaby in my 100th blog post!
- Little Girls and Little Dresses
- Quilts By Barb Etsy Shop!
- Under the Sea Quilt from Barb and Katrina
- 2009 Dyeing Day Workshop! Part 2
- Bling Bling!
- Treasury Saturday (of course)
- An Interview with Chris from PalominoMorgan
- An Interview with Karma Lapacek...Creator of 'True...
- An Interview with Kate from digibling
- 2009 Summer Dyeing Workshop!
- Butterfly Garden
- Treasury Saturday - New Feature!
- Cedi's Cupcake
- Capri's Cupcake
- An Interview with Peg from KuddleZoo!
- 'In the Jungle' Quilt
- List of 99
- Meet Kristen from Marinade!
- Jewelry By KimsCraftyApple
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Thanks for posting my peacock on your lovely birthday story. :) My daughter has the green apple shirt from sweet3leafprints, and it is super cute too!
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