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- Block 1 - My Home
- Block 2 - Lapacek's Orchard
- Block 3 - House by the Bay
- Block 4 - My Tilted House
- Block 5 - Two Trees
- Block 6 - Tree of Life
- Block 7 - Under the Moreton Bay Fig
- Block 8 - A Wonky Modern House
- Block 9 - Scrappy Trees
- Block 10 - A Home for the Birds
- Block 11 - The Happy Tree
- Block 12 - the little house
- Block 13 - Three Trees
- Block 14 - Under the Apple Tree
- Block 15 - A Home for Hoot
- Block 16 - Branch Sweet Branch
- BONUS - accuquilt home
- BONUS - Acid Cottage
- BONUS - Marcia's Crazee Patch House
- BONUS Block - Rippling Pond
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Log Cabin Entries – Time to Vote – Project QUILTING

Every week that challenges are due I feel like I hold my breath and open up flickr fifty times a day to see if someone posted their projects. My biggest fear is that no one will enter – luckily that hasn’t even come close to happening! Each week I am blown away by the amazing projects that people come up with – this week was no exception.
For those of you just tuning in you can read more about Project Quilting Here: http://kimscraftyapple.blogspot.com/2010/04/project-quilting.html
and about the fourth challenge of Season 1 Here:
CHALLENGE WINNERS: There will be two winners for this challenge – one for the public vote and one for the ‘judged vote’ – Diane, Pam, and Barb.
The winner of the PUBLIC Vote will receive 4 fat quarters (their choice) from FabricAlaCarte AND a $10 gift certificate from the FatQuarterShop! Voting is EXTENDED this week and will be open until SATURDAY, July 3rd at 7:00 PM CDT.
The winner of the JUDGES Vote will receiver their very own copy of Judy Martin's Log Cabin Quilt Book AND a $10 gift certificate from the FatQuarterShop!
A RANDOMLY Drawn Participant will win a pdf pattern for this beautiful quilt by FabricsNQuilts and second drawn participant will win a pattern for Diane's Starry Nine Quilt.
Don't forget! Everyone that enters can decide if they want their name entered in a drawing for $50 off the 2010 Quilts by Barb Quilt - Papercraft - Scrapbooking Getaway Weekend!
I will also be sending everyone their rank (somewhere between 1 and 10 – be sure you’ve emailed me {lapaceksorchard@gmail.com} your email address) and any critique’s the judges have about your creation. The top 3 will be posted on my blog this weekend.
PUBLIC WINNERS: I will also be giving out a prize to the public. You’ll find out how to WIN at the bottom of this post after you’ve checked out each of our challengers entries.
***A Note about the prizes and winners – Voting will be extended to Saturday, July 3rd at 7pm this week due to the upcoming Fourth of July Holiday. I will not have internet access at the end of this week. The next challenge will still be posted at NOON on July 4th – I’ll just have a little overlap between the new challenge and the winners of this challenge.
And now here are all the entries – in no particular order…
***Please note – I have left the images smaller than I normally do as I’ve received some feedback that my blog was loading slowly – hopefully this will help that issue. I strongly URGE you to take closer looks at the project by checking out their submittals on the flickr group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1401824@N21/
Quilter: Spring Water Designs

The Story:
This is my entry for the Log Cabin Challenge. It measures 36" square. First I started with a tree in the center (where logs come from). Then I surrounded it with 12 6" log cabin blocks. The outer corners are 2 large 18" log cabin blocks that I cut in half on the diagonal.
I used two sides of one of the gree fabrics used as leaves for the tree. I love the log cabin block, and kept mine very traditional looking with the use of reproduction fabrics. I created this quilt in Jessup Maryland.
~ Spring Water Designs
Quilter: PennyFabricArt

For this week's "thinking outside the square" I resurrected a triangle log cabin concept based on a quilt I had done about 5 years ago.
That project was originally a twin quilt that had both triangle and square log cabins, which I changed my mind and made a throw. I still had orphan blocks of 3 of the brown squares, 2 of the triangles, and 1 of the picture blocks, so I decided to make a wall hanging that's a derivative of the original.
The triangle log cabins were drafted on graph paper then I scanned that to make templates on the computer.
I cut the brown blocks to use as the border. My "wrong side" fabric is a metallic print dyed fabric, which I used for the binding.
It measures 28" square.
A note: It occurred to me as I was finishing that I should have checked to see if using orphan blocks is against the spirit of the time-constraint aspect of the challenge, or if it constitutes an unfair time advantage to do that. So if the other contestants or the judges feel that warrants point deductions or disqualification, please say so and do what you think is appropriate (I'm happy to go with the judges and public opinion on it).
QUILTER: QuiltingDiva

I knew it had to be beachy so I thought about it all week and looked through lots of books. I couldn't find anything that struck me so this is my first original idea that came straight from my head and into the fabric! I made the 4 blocks with the colors of sand and ocean. I was watching the stories of the oil spill while I created this quilt and thought about how sad it is for the dolphins currently living in these horrible conditions.
For the back/front fabrics, I created the momma dolphins using the front of 3 different black prints and the baby dolphins are the backs of those 3 fabrics. You can see a slight design on the baby dolphins - although it is very hard to see in the photos.
It is machine pieced, machine applique and machine quilted. I used my 4 different water prints and 3 sand prints and quilted in lots of geometric shapes. The back and binding are bright orange because no day at the beach would be complete without the sunshine!
This quilt measures 28" square and was made in Brandon, Florida.
Stacy Edell
Quilter: Kathleen Quilts

The Story:
I made three log cabin blocks, cut them into petal shapes, used Texture Magic to fluff them. I sewed the petals together, added a stem and a few drops of dew. Long ago my nieces taught me to make a vase from a bottle, masking tape and shoe polish. That was the inspiration for my fabric vase which used both sides of a brown fabric plus another brown. 13" x 4". Created in Cissna Park, IL

The Story:
I create in Colorado.
My completed log cabin challenge project! This was inspired by the phrase "think outside the square" -- my immediate thought after reading was a cube! This is really a quilt block! :)
I had thought I'd use this as a giant pincushion, but I think I'll just set it on my desk to admire instead!
* 23 squares from a Eva by Basic Grey (Moda) charm pack (1 fabric shows up on 2 sides)
* muslin
* batting
* polyester stuffing
Measures approximately 4"x4"x4
Quilter: KimsCraftyApple
Here is my submittal for the log cabin Project Quilting Challenge.
It measures approximately 34.5" x 32".
When this project first showed up I thought, "Of course - a block I've never done before!" Then, I thought some more and figured it would be a great way to use my scraps. I spent an entire day organizing my scraps by color for this project. After that day, I was walking with my coffee to a meeting and I thought - wow, wouldn't a tree be neat if I made the log cabins sort of circular so each strip was a 'leaf' of the tree? *Day wasted sorting by color...oh well*
I got to work right away. You can look through my album to see all my 'work in progress' & close up's if you want.
I used an awesome tree branch fabric for the trunk and the layers some strips of other brown fabrics to create a bit of dimension.
For the leafy portion of the tree I used many layers - first a solid layer of hand-dyed green, then some leafs from commercial prints and then finally my log cabin blocks. Most of the blocks have an apple print in their center. Some of the blocks are based from a square, some from a pentagon and some from a hexagon. Different shades of green circle each 'red' to create this fantastic leafy apple tree (of course I had to do an apple tree).
I have very few pastels in my stash so I had to flip quite a few fabrics over to create that dimension in the tree.
The log cabins are raw edge appliqué onto the quilt.
Swirly 'leafs' were quilted all over the green, log cabin portion of the quilt. I did some more rectangular swirls on the trunk of the tree to try and mimic a log cabin and/or the knots you would see in a tree trunk.
To finish the quilt off I 'pillow cased' a fun leaf print to the back .
I'm excited to hear what other's think of my apple tree and this tree was created with love in Poynette, WI.
PS. Can you tell I have trouble with short and sweet narratives!?
Quilter: Karen’s Crafty World
The Story:
I started this project not knowing what it was going to turn into. I made 4 12" log cabin blocks from 3 inch strips of vintage linens. I ended up using only 2 of the blocks which I then cut in half. I still didn't know what it was going to be so just started fooling around with placement, adding the white to the triangles and a frame came to mind. Added large orange ric rac to peek out. Somewhere along the way i was thinking...maybe a big photo in the middle......then I thought ...bulletin board! The back is four 12" peices of cork held together with heavy duty tape. I then quilted the top leaving the middle unquilted so that it would 'pop' and added some yellow ricrac (I heart ric-rac). I then stretched it over the cork and secured the peice to the back side. More ric-rac for hanging and it was done. I think it turned out great! Oh, I almost forgot....the fabric in the very middle and on the sides are the backside of that fabric.
I hot-glued large beads to the plain tacks to jazz them up a bit. Everything came from my stash except the cork. This peice was made in Elgin,IL and is now hanging in our kitchen. It measure 24" X 24".
Quilter: LoveBugStudios

The Story:
This quilt is called "Nine Pins". I have done log cabin blocks before, but I have always wanted to try blocks on a smaller scale. The idea was to use scraps to make different variations of the Log Cabin block, and finish them to around 2.5". I decided to turn them into wearable pins, but then thought maybe they couldn't be considered as one project. So I decided to make a backdrop quilt for them, so the pins could become the centers of each block.
The finished backdrop quilt uses 8 of the traditional Log Cabin block, with the center being the Courthouse Steps variation. I actually saw this as an opportunity to also "go to town" with my AccuQuilt strip cutter, using a method that enabled me to cut all of the white "logs" in one pass. I have lots of logs left over from that! The colored logs were cut from scraps of 1.5" strips that I keep handy.
Since the quilt has so many colors in it, I decided to use orange for the quilting & binding to make it more cohesive. I also used a decorative orange yarn couched around the outside of each pin to tie them into the quilt.
The finished quilt measures 35" x 35", and was made in Hainesville, IL.
Quilter: Auntie Stina

The Story:
My finished project for the log cabin challenge. I *love* the Fairy Frost collection and glad I got a chance to use it.
The black squares are probably not from the same line, but they have iridescent dragonflies and I just couldn't resist. This is the fabric that I chose to use the backside of. You can see a little in the actual blocks, but all of the binding is the dragonflies.
The whole thing is approximately 17" on all sides. I wanted to go bigger, but ran out of time. :-)
Quilter: MoranArtandQuilts
The Story:
The idea was presented to me to make a log cabin from the log cabin blocks. And then the question; would that be tacky? Welllll, maybe, but I could make it whimsical and fun! So I made the 5 log cabin blocks (using the back of one fabric as directed) and constructed a log cabin from them. I decided to put something silly in the window so I chose fish. Why not? Then I thought it would be cute if the door opened to show more fish so that's what I did. I added some cute flowers, whimsical quilting and buttons in the sky. It was a fun wall hanging to make and something a little different than what you'd expect.
Catherine (MoranArtandQuilts)
Columbus, OH
Quilter: AllThingsBelle

The Story:
Jennifer Rodriguez from West Jordan, UT.
Finished dimensions: 12" square
I just found out about this blog and challenge earlier this month. Unfortunately and fortunately we were on vacation all week, so today was my only day to attempt the challenge (during my daughter's 2 hour nap!)
I had been thinking all week about it. I had a few ideas, but I recently acquired a ruffler foot and have been "ruffling" anything that doesn't move.
It seemed perfect to try a shabby ruffled log cabin block! I adore it. I like it so much that when time permits, I would like to do a large quilt with this technique. I love the warmth of the texture and appearance!
As the challenge requested, I did use both sides of the fabric. However, with these particular batiks, there seems to be little to no difference :/
Quilter: PamelaQuilts
For this weeks Challenge I decided to make a quilted bag. I happened to come across a log cabin quilt made with selvages this week, so of course that got dropped into the mix also!
This bag is 11 inches wide and 9 1/2 inches tall. The bottom is 3 x 8. It is lined with sky blue, including two patch pockets made with blue and purple fabric. The handles are also quilted and measure about 18 inches long.
I foundation pieced my squares (8) on 6 inch muslin squares and used my small scrap bin for the pieces along with some of my selvage collection. The centers are 4 different fabrics, the purple one I used the right side in one square and the wrong side in the other!
I quilted this (with some difficulty due to the weight of the selvages and the foundation!) in a swirl pattern using warm and natural batting.
Public Prize!
This weeks randomly drawn public prize will win a glass pendant of their choice from HRBeaDesign! Read below on how you have seven chances to win!
SEVEN Chances to WIN!
Entry 1: REQUIRED! Leave a comment on your favorite entry (or at least that you voted) and vote for your favorite on the poll on the upper left hand side of the blog. - ***MUST DO***
Optional/Additional Entries – please note – if you want to qualify for these additional entries you must leave a SEPERATE comment for each – if you already follow or are a fan, etc just leave comments saying each. If you write everything in ONE comment you only will have ONE entry…
Entry 2: Follow my blog.
Entry 3: Tweet about this fantastic contest with hashtag #PQlogcabin (important or I won’t know you did it)
Entry 4: Become a Fan of Project QUILTING on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/ProjectQUILTING
Entry 5: add my Project Quilting ‘Grab my Blinkie’ to your blog or blog about my giveaway (link your blog or post in your comment, please)
Entry 6: Head on over to HRBeaDesign and let me know your favorite item in the store!
Entry 7: Sign up for my newsletter in the upper right corner of this page!
***Participants in project quilting ARE allowed to enter in the public poll/contest as well.***
This means you have SEVEN chances to win! I need you to write each of these entries as different comments in order to qualify you for all seven entries and include your email address. If you don’t include your email address I won’t be able to contact you when you win and I will have to choose a new winner. I will be picking the winner on Sunday, July 4th. *Prize will be shipped on or soon after July 21st when Heather of HRBeaDesign returns from her vacation.*
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- Project QUILTING – RECYCLE Challenge from PamelasQ...
- My Project QUILTING RECYCLE Challenge – How It Hap...
- An Interview with Tisha Sandberg – Instructor of t...
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- Project QUILTING – Season ONE Random Drawing Prizes
- Summer Solstice
- Season 1, Challenge 4 - Log Cabin
- Top Ten Reasons to Try Project QUILTING
- Project QUILTING – the Judges have Spoken for the ...
- Project QUILTING – Random Generator Winner
- Project QUILTING – the Winners of the RECYCLE Chal...
- A Road Trip Through ‘Shop Local
- Themed Thursday – All About Dad
- Time to VOTE for the RECYCLE! Project QUILTING Cha...
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- Meet our Guest Judge – Kris from fabricalacarte an...
- Season 1, Challenge 3 - The Recycled Quilt
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Every week that challenges are due I feel like I hold my breath and open up flickr fifty times a day to see if someone posted their proj...
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This challenge is one of the things that makes Sundays so much fun! I really enjoy reading the stories behind the creations. Wonderful entries!
Voted! So hard :( I really love them all!
I follow the blog of course :D
And I'm a FB fan!
What creative entries. I love them all, but I did vote for one. Amazing what you can do in a week!
I had to choose Kim's because it is so creative, but I love log cabins and I had a hard time deciding, they are all wonderful. I really wanted to enter this one, just couldn't get it done this week.
I voted.
I'm a follower.
I love the 'Grasses In Pink' glass pendant at HRBeaDesign's shop.
I voted for Love Bug Studios. What a terrific and unique idea! :)
I'm also a follower of your blog :)
I love the creativity here, but my vote went to moranarts and quilts...gotta love those fish!
I am a follower.
I am a facebook fan
I like the green and black vines
My favorite item at RHBeaDesign is the Leaves in Blue and Green - Glass Tile Pendant Necklace
As usual, it was really hard to pick just one because all the entries are so good. I thought Kathleen's entry was the most unique application of log cabin blocks - so I voted for hers.
Oh, this was such a hard choice! I loved all the outside-the-box thinking this challenge produced and ended up voting for Kim's Apple Tree :)
I tweeted!! HOpe you get lots of voters :)
I love the woven necklaces/bracelets in HRBeaDesigns, but have to go with the pink spirograph pendant as my most fave :)
I'm already a FB fan!
Rats, I forgot to include my contact info!
I voted, it was a hard choice, but Kim's Apple Tree was so cool!
I'm already a FB fan!
And I tweeted!
I voted!
They are all so beautiful!
shecarita at yahoo dot com
New follower
great challenge
I love this in the shop:
SALE - Healing Aventurine Bracelet
I voted, thanks
I like you on Facebook (and here too :)
I'm following you now too.
Great entries everyone! I think the dolphin quilt is especially inspiring.
I thought I had voted previously, but I do not see it.
I vote for LoveBug Studios.
I like PennyFabricArts - the first one shown!
I voted!
I love HRBeaDesign's Brown Flower and Aqua pendant!
I tweeted too
And I liked you in facebook. :)
lastly, I like HRBeaDesign's Multistrand Freshwater Pearl Necklace in Lime Green.
hard to pick a favorite--i love them all--what interesting creativity has been shown in each of them. thanks for having this contest--it's fun to see what people make with the same parameters!!
became a follower--have to see what else comes up on your blog!!
became a friend on facebook--can never figure out how to grab blinkies, so that's out and couldn't seem to sign up for your newsletter--am i so NOT a computer geek?
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